Powder skiing is a somewhat rare event as many runs tend to be groomed. Skiing powder is a delight since it gives the sensation of floating. Powder skiing can be compared to water skiing in that the tips of the skis should break the surface of the snow, with the skis floating on loose powder above the base. Nearly equal weight on each ski is required since there is light elastic snow below the ski. A substantial weight shift to one side can cause that ski to dive, setting up a "face plant" in the snow. Photo 1 shows the preparation for the the pole plant used for timing and to stabilize the body momentarily in the deep snow. (Note that the upper body is facing down the fall line and remains so in all phases of the turn.) In Photo 2, the body center of mass starts to move in the direction of the turn as the pole is planted. Photo 3 shows the completion phase of the turn with slight body inclination and slight knee angulation. Since the snow is soft, the skis respond quickly to slight increases in edging, so be careful not to over turn.

Photo 4 shows the pole plant for the next turn. Figures 5 and 6 show the control and completion phases of the turn. Active unweighting assists in the initiation of each turn.

Video of parallel skiing in powder lesson with normal speed and slow motion