________Photo 1______________________Photo 2__________
After getting up on the wakeboard, it is now time to start cutting or edging the wakeboard back and forth across the wake.
Photo 1 shows a "goofy foot" rider (right foot forward) cutting to the right on the open side, where
your body faces the boat. This is the easiest cut to make. Photo 2
shows the rider cutting to the left on the closed side, where the body faces away from the boat,
a harder cut to make. Keep the legs bent for balance. Lean away from the boat for more edging. Bend the knees to absorb the wake if no jump is desired.
________Photo 3___________________Photo 4______________________Photo 5__________
When making a cut, start from the riding position (Photo1) and start to edge the board (Photo 2). Flex the legs
and ankles to resist the pull of the boat and lean away from the boat (Photo 3).